How to Practice Starting IVs

Lots of students of The IV Video Course and my followers on Instagram have asked me what I recommend for practicing IVs before sticking an actual patient. 

Honestly, most of the time it’s not necessary to buy any additional equipment.  My first recommendation is to take a banana to work and use that as a practice pad.  Banana skin actually does a decent job of mimicking the feeling of IV insertion.  Use the equipment your job provides, though you may want to ask first, and practice on the banana to get a feel for how to use the equipment properly.  You can also use a piece of paper, as I demonstrate here, or get creative and fill some IV tubing with food coloring to get that realistic flash.

If you are a student and need IVs and supplies, most online vendors require a prescription, though some don’t.  Search around for those that will fulfil your order without a written prescription. is a good starting point. 

If you want something a little fancier than a banana to get a feel for how IV insertion will go in real life, there are lots of options of practice arms and pads on Amazon.  Check out my store links for some recommendations (and FYI, I get a very small percentage from the sales using my links, at no additional cost to you of course). 

If you want the best of the best, the ones I use are from a company called Life/Form.  Check them out at the AED Superstore

I also recommend carrying a tourniquet around with you and practicing tying it on friends and family members, then palpating.This really helps those new to IV insertion get a good feel for palpation and tourniquet placement.

If you want a comprehensive IV insertion course, check out my Video Courses.  They’re all 30% off right now, with larger discounts if you purchase them together!  Just scroll down for the “bundles” 😊