ICU Nursing Resources Quick Reference List

If you're a nurse taking critical COVID patients or transitioning to the ICU, then this is for you!

(I know I know, we’re all tired of getting coronavirus updates, but I wanted to put this out there for those of you who might benefit from it…)

So many of my friends and colleagues are volunteering to step up and take critical COVID-19 patients, which is amazing!  Many of them are enrolling in crash courses for ICU nursing and learning vent settings, drips, ABGs, etc., but they're always looking for more resources to help them jump in the deep end and stay afloat.  

Keep in mind I'm not an ICU nurse, though if necessary I'll probably do the same thing and volunteer if I'm needed.  I wanted to compile a short list of the most helpful online resources here to help those med-surg and tele nurses taking ICU patients.  If you know of another good resource, please email me and I'll add it to the list.

First is a site with downloadable cheat sheets called ICU FAQs.  This comes highly recommended by many ICU nurses;

Next is a powerpoint presentation used to orient new ICU nurses from University of Illinois Chicago;

Mechanical Ventilation introduction PDF from Johns Hopkins;

AACN has a few courses specifically for COVID-19; COVID-19 Pulmonary, ARDS and Ventilator Resources - AACN

And last is a fantastic, long list of resources from; Coronavirus COVID-19 Medical Simulation Resources List | Healthcare Simulation |

If you're really ambitious and want to get a more comprehensive education, Kati Kleber of FreshRN has a great video course called Breakthrough ICU that's designed to give you just that (of course I’m a little biased since we work together and I get a percentage of the sales I make for her, but I wouldn’t recommend it if I didn’t believe it would help you). 

It's 20% off for a limited time to help educate nurses volunteering during this crazy pandemic. Click the photo or the link below to go to the sales page.

Here’s the description from the FreshRN site...

Let’s save all that tasky stuff like learning how to enter order sets, how to call the house officer to expedite a transfer to free up a bed, or how to work the IV pump, for the only time you can learn that information – at the bedside.

Let myself and another certified critical care nurse with a passion for educating and encouraging newbies, teach you everything you can learn at home, so you can look and feel like a prepared and knowledgeable orientee on the floor.

With Breakthrough ICU, here’s what you’ll learn…

·         The patho and treatment courses for the top ICU patient diagnoses [Disease Processes section]

·         How to manage your time when your patients are doing just fine – and when they’re not [Time Management module]

·         How to assertively question inappropriate orders in a respectful manner [Developing Assertiveness module]

·         How to ground yourself emotionally so you don’t get lost in your patient’s pain and suffering, and still perform the tasks at hand while connecting with your patient [Foundational Principles & Emotional Support modules]

·         How to give an outstanding ICU nurse-to-nurse report [Nursing Report section]

·         The main priorities of all ICU patients, and how to monitor and manage them like a pro [Patient Priorities section]

·         How to talk to patients who are unkind, manipulative, or when the patient is a nurse or physician themselves [How to Talk to Patients module]

·         How to harness your innate stress response so you can remain calm and focused in the midst of chaos [Foundational Principles module]

·         Not only the many diagnostics you’ll facilitate for your patient, but the logistics of the diagnostics as well [Diagnostics section]

·         What to do in a code blue when it’s your patient vs. someone else’s [What to Do in a Code Blue module]

·         The must-know info to safely use central lines [Central Venous Catheters module]

·         How to walk with patients through emotional instability and provide authentic empathy [Emotional Support & Decision-Making module]

·         How to set up an arterial line, ensure its accuracy, and discontinue it [Arterial Lines module]

·         The basics of cardiac monitoring, differentiating it from 12-lead ECGs, and practical tips [Telemetry & ECGs module]

·         And so much more…

Enroll now and get access to…

·         A new set of modules every week for six week

·         Lifetime access once complete

·         Over 13 hours of video and audio

·         Over 25 downloads – including checklists, worksheets, charts, and more

·         3D videos of the human body – illustrating the top disease processes impacting ICU patients

·         12.0 continuing education credits!

·         Insider tips and tricks from two nationally-certified experienced critical care nurses

·         A framework to deal with perceived failures, mistakes, and missteps

·         A structure to track progress and keep morale high

·         Talking points for tough moments – with patients, providers, colleagues, and others

·         An insider’s look into etiquette, what’s cool and what’s not cool, unwritten rules, and nurse hacks

As always, this course comes with my 30-day no-risk money-back guarantee. If you get into the content and realize it’s not for you, we will absolutely refund your money (provided you have not claimed the CE’s and are within our 30-day window).